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Эта книга созревала очень долго. Часть материала по парикмахерскому искусству и бритью в эпоху раннего Нового времени, вошедшего в главы 2 и 3, появилась в другом контексте в статье «Мужские волосы: как ухаживали за внешностью в долгом XVIII веке», в книге под редакцией Ханны Григ, Джейн Хэмлетт и Леони Ханнан «Гендер и материальная культура в Великобритании с года» Hannah Grieg, Jane Hamlett and Leonie Hannan eds. Gender and Material Culture in Britain Since London: Palgrave,

Волосы. Иллюстрированная история (fb2)

I made it to the gate in plenty of time, but all the seats were already taken. I decided it was not a bad idea to stand anyway, so I stepped just off the carpeted area onto the dull linoleum of the wide corridor full of people coming and going, some of them slowly sauntering and others sprinting, panting and sweating, panicked, to make it before the door shut and they would be left to the harrowing ordeal of arranging a different flight. There were other people also standing there waiting for boarding to begin; some alone engaged with their phones, others chatting in small clusters, a mom with her toddler playing a kind of chase game in a small circle that made me smile. I suddenly became aware of a man in a dark pink polo shirt talking with someone on the phone. I realized that person was in the airport somewhere and he was trying to tell them where he was in the sprawling center of global transit.

Фигурки ТВ-передач и фильмов Disney из Англии
Earth and her lesson
Medieval Gauntlets ( Silver )
Untitled - Московский Международный кинофестиваль
Faster I Run Sooner I’m Done
Harper Haze Model
Overheard at the Airport

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